Almost four weeks ago my TEDxSurrey video was uploaded. Needless to say, I was excited and planned on writing a post and letting you all know- however, life had a different plan.
On April 18th I was making a cheesecake for my sons’ birthday the following day. I had used a spatula to scrap the sides of the mixing bowl- to get all the ingredients in the centre. I then got another spatula to scrap that spatula to get all ingredients back in the bowl, and I felt a twinge in my left side. It felt like when as a kid, I would run and get a stitch in the side.
I sent a message to my friend saying that only I could get a stitch while scraping off a spatula.
Within 5 minutes, I realized this was more than a stich.
To make a long story short, within 30 minutes I was up to emergency, and admitted. They did a CT scan and it revealed I had a kidney stone in each kidney, one was 1 mm, the other was 2mm, but I had one in the ureter tube and it was 2x3x8 mm. OUCH.
I was scheduled for surgery to get a stint put in at 6:30 the following morning, then they would do the surgery in a couple weeks. I stayed overnight and had lovely pain killing drugs.
Well, once again life had a different plan.
It seems I had 2 infections going on- I don’t know for how long and when I came out of surgery my blood pressure was staying low and to make another long story short- I ended up in ICU in Septic Shock- that was a tad terrifying. I was in hospital for 6 days.
I came home and its been a journey but I am finally starting to feel a bit better and my brain is back on line- hence the ability to write. I will continue to take it easy as it will take time for the body to recover from the septic shock. I am going to make sure I take it easy, as I am going to honour my body, that fought those infections for so long- which makes sense as I had been dragging my butt for months- and all that it went through while in ICU.
So, finally here is a link to my TEDxSurrey talk- enjoy and please share far and wide, and if you are comfortable leave a comment, and ask your friends to share far and wide and leave comments if they are comfortable with that. The more folks that see this- the happier the algorithm thing will be, but more importantly, the more views, the easier it will be for others to find, and I believe this is such an important message, for everyone.
Thanks for following along and looking forward to writing again about who knows what 😊
Take good care of yourselves.
With much gratitude