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A Year of Connection...

Writer's picture: Suzanne VenutaSuzanne Venuta

I have been meaning to write for the last few months, but I have been processing and and life has been "lifeing" as it does. As some of you may know I am what I call a "peculator " What I mean by this is, that when I am at a meeting or an event, it is after the fact that realizations, understandings etc will come to me, and the Trek of the tour Du Mont Blanc is no different. While some folks might do a trek or trip and come back and say "it was nice". With me I often come back and say it was life changing. I guess the question is- why the difference? Or , maybe they also find it life changing but don't speak about it.

Two days ago I went down to the ocean close to my home and watched the sun come up- it was Winter Solstice. It was cloudy on the horizon, but it was still lovely. I was serenaded by two bald eagles as the chattered to each other, saw and heard some ducks. The waves gently lapped onto the shore as the sky became brighter and the sun broke through the clouds. And it was serendipity that I was joined on the shore by a friend. We both stood there in silence taking in the beauty, being present in the moment. Being connected.

So you may wonder what the trek/traveling and standing on the beach during the Winter Solstice sunrise have in common. For me the commonalty is connection. Connection to the land, connection to others and connection to myself.

For me, this year has been a year of connections. I am connected to more people then I was at the beginning of the year, and maybe more importantly the connection to myself is stronger then ever.

The Tour Du Mont trek was amazing, hard, fantastic, magical, and empowering. As I mentioned before I had never pushed my body physically as much as I did then. Once I learned it was safe to do so, its like another world opened up- but I would not realize this until I got home, and even then it would take months.

This world I speak of was within myself, and once again Outward Bound has helped me get to a deeper level of healing. This has allowed me to connect at a deeper level with myself, and this once again has been life changing. Having a deeper connection with myself also allows me to have deeper connections with those I care about.

Last month a friend and I went down to Victoria. There is a pod cast called Obstacle Course. My friend recommended them to me, and last month we drove down to Victoria to do the recording. It was great fun, and even though I talk about some tough things, its about hope. I was actually surprised at one point by what I spoke of, as I had vowed never to speak of that. But it seemed right, and it was. I was able to do this because of the much stronger connection I have with myself, and thus with others. This is an example of a deeper connection with myself. This is huge healing. Here is the link to the podcast. (https://obstacle-course-ab3b34bd.simplecast.com/episodes/the-courage-to-comeback )

This time of year can be tough for folks, I know it is for me. Past Trauma from this time of year visits me, and sometimes its just off to the side, and some days, like yesterday, it was front and center demanding my attention. It was not a good day, but it passed as I knew it would. I honored it, acknowledged it, and processed the memories. I have learned that for me, the memories that come up need to be honored, and I did that yesterday.

As hard as this sounds, it is growth and healing, which is on a new deeper level, and I am able to do this because I am more connected with myself.

Tonight I was looking up at the stars and was thinking of the last evening I was on the Tour Du Mont Trek, the last night on the trail. One of my trekking buddies was showing me some constellations. I may not remember all that he showed me, but I remember that moment, that moment of connection.

Connections are powerful and they can save lives.

Those are my thoughts for tonight. I wish you all a Very merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. May you all find Peace, Love and Contentment in your corner of the world now and always. And, if your feeling alone, look up to the stars and realize, we are all connected.


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